Hammer Fist Strikes-Forward
Drill: Tabatta Strikes
4 Rounds of :20 sec. non-stop Hammerfist Strikes, :10 sec. active recovery (Slow strikes during the 10 sec)
Defensive Front Kick
Choke from the Front with a Push
Ground- Getting Up
Drill: Groups of 2; 1 kicking Shield
Striker-Ground Back Position
Pad Holder- advance towards striker (not too fast)
Striker- Proper Get Up, once the pad holder is in kicking range, execute a Defensive front kick followed by counter attacks until pad holders calls "Time"
Drill: Pyramid
2pp/1 punching shield
30 sec- Non-stop strikes (punches, hammerfist, elbow, etc..)
20 sec- Rest
45 sec- Non-stop Front Kicks-Groin
20 sec-Rest
60 sec- Clinch Position- Non-stop Knee strikes
20 sec-Rest
90 sec- Mix it up!!
Choke from Behind with a pull
Ground- Defense v. Head Lock Full Mount
Drill: Groups of 3;
Defender-On their Back
Attacker- Head Lock from Full mount
Defender makes the appropriate defense, quickly gets up, advances towards pad with non-stop counter attacks. Attacker; once again attacks defender, this time with Choke from Behind with a pull.
A/B Drill w/sprawls:
(Please see video)
** Must do 3 Sprawls before sprinting to the other pad
Focus Mitts:
- Combo # 6 (Cross/Hook/Cross)
- Combo # 7 (Hook/Cross/Hook)
- Jab/Over Hand
Full Nelson- Sweep
Full Nelson- Throw