The Martial Arts Buzz' Marketing Tips

John Whitman
February 15, 2016

The Martial Arts Buzz has offered up a few marketing tips for our Krav Maga Alliance affiliates on how to help your gym get more social media followers, and get more new members into your gyms. Read their tips below, give them a shot, and let us know how they worked for you!


Social Media Fan Pages:

Start getting in the habit of taking pictures during classes. Goal is to get at LEAST 5 pictures per day. Adults and kids - in action - in the lobby etc.


Using your schools Facebook groups.

  • Post a relevant recipe into your groups. Ie kids healthy fun veggie sanck - adults low fat dessert or high protein time saving meal. Ask who is going to try this recipe this week?
  • Tell FB groups to follow you on Facebook (post this on a different day)


Marketing Yourself

Join at least 5 of the following types of social media networking groups (under your personal account) -

  1. Networking - other business owners supporting each other -
    search key terms in top bar of Facebook including your towns name or county name or any nicknames your community has. combine it with terms like networking, vendors, business etc.
  2. Yard Sale groups - any Facebook groups dedicated to sales - check the rules of these prior to joining some say clearly no businesses
  3. Community groups - any town that your members come from.
    1. Look for town names, PTO,PTA, school names, college names
    2. Request to join
    3. After approved introduce yourself,
      1. Networking groups - “Hi I am xxxxx. I own XXXX We specialize inxxxxxxxxx.” feel free to check out our website
      2. Yard sale group Hi I am xxxxx from xxxxx - check out this great deal we have for new students (insert a groupon link - or website someone can take advantage of deal)
      3. Community “HI I am xxxx I ownXXXX - we do a lot for the community in events etc. From Woman’s self defense seminars to FREE Bully safe workshops for kids - If I can help you out in any of these area feel free to private message me.” (modify based on what community events you do).



Want more? Be sure to check out The Martial Arts Buzz' website: for 15 FREE Tips to Growing Your School Using Facebook.

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