Beginner (A1)
Front Kick to a Vertical Target
Straight Punches
Drill 1: 1 attacker, 1 striker. Attacker with kick shield advances towards defender. Defender throws front kick to vertical target and then follows up with 6 straight punches. Strikers may start from fighting stance until they’re comfortable with range, then move to passive stance. Once in passive stance, attackers should make their advance faster and faster as striker has success delivering kick.
Drill 2: Now, Pad holder should move fast enough that Striker can't always make FKVT. When attacker comes in too fast, Striker hits frame-hold position to 4 frame-hold knees.
Drill 3: 30 seconds max straight punches standing, instructor calls "DOWN" and Striker and pad holder go to 30 seconds kneeling straight punches. Instructor calls "DOWN" one more time and 30 seconds hand combatives with striker on back and tombstone holder standing over them.
Choke from Behind
Final Drill: A's-B's-C's. A's are holding for Drill 2 from earlier. B's are Strikers/Defenders. C's are roaming attackers and can apply Choke from Behind to any B.
Intermediate (C1)
Headbutt Forward
Headbutt Side
Headbutt Backward
Focus mitts
Round 1: Basic combinations with a sprawl
Round 2: All combinations begin with a Headbutt Forward. Mitt holder should hold one mitt at very close range for headbutt and then move to mid-range for combination.
Round 3: Striker stands close to wall with eyes closed. Mitt holder can orient them in any direction, and then gives a verbal cue. Depending on where holder stands, Striker makes Headbutt Forward, Headbutt Side, or Headbutt Backward, then turns and faces and makes an Elbow 1 followed up by Combo 8 (rear uppercut/lead hook/cross).
Bearhug Front Arms Caught
Bearhug Front Arms Free (space)
Drill: Non-compliant Attacker A/B: A's are standing in neutral with eyes closed. B's are roaming attackers. B can make Bearhug Front Arms Caught or Bearhug Front Arms Free (space) OR apply any Level 1 attack and during follow up combatives, make Bearhug. A must be prepared for potential follow-up attack. Switch roles.
Advanced (C1)
Thai Pads
Round 1: All combinations
Round 2: Double the combination, i.e. when pad holder calls "2K" Striker makes a jab/cross/lead kick/jab/cross/lead kick
Round 3: Triple the combination + sprawls
Gun from the Front, 2 handed technique
Advanced Gun – from kneeling position
Drill: Ground, Pound, and Attack. A is at one end of the mat with a curved kick shield and B is stationed at opposite end with a gun on floor next to them. A makes 20 Ground and Pound strikes to pad and then sprints to B. B is doing 5 push ups and 5 air squats. If B is in push up position when A picks up gun, B makes Advanced Gun – from kneeling position. If B is doing air squats when A points gun at them, B makes Gun from the Front, 2 handed technique. After making defense, partners switch roles.