Beginner (B1)
One focus mitt on dominant hand and one curved kick shield, handle held at hip level with one hand for low round kicks. (Ensure students keeping knee bent and pad on top of quad, not at side of knee for safety.)
Round 1: Lead straight punch to rear leg low round kick, Cross to lead low round kick, hook palm to rear leg low round kick
Round 2: Double jab with small bursts left (for righties) to rear leg low round, cross to large step off angle lead leg low round kick
Round 3: No focus mitt. 5 low round kicks right, 1 burpee, 5 low round kicks left—switch. Then, 5 medium round kicks right, 1 burpee, 5 medium round kicks left—switch. Repeat for 3 minutes for max kicks.
Inside Defense v. Straight Punch Low
Drill: On instructor's "GO!" defender does 3 burpees and stands in neutral stance. When the defender completes burpees, the attacker touches shoulders and/or makes a Straight Punch Low attack OR holds a pad for Punches. Defender makes the appropriate defense or attacks the pad until instructor calls “TIME!" Reset!
Choke from Behind
Drill: Same as above, but attacker can move behind them for Choke from Behind after the last burpee.
Intermediate (B1)
Headbutt Forward
Side Kick
Defensive Back with a Spin
Focus mitts and belly pad
Round 1: Free work with all the combinations students know; 1-4 or 1-10
Round 2: Begin each combination with Headbutt Forward. Pad holder should call the number, hold at very close range for Headbutt Forward, then take a step back to hold for combination.
Round 3: On combinations 3, 7, and 9, Striker uses hook to disguise step across centerline with lead leg, and makes a side kick with lead leg to belly pad
Forward Roll; Figure 4
Drill: Defender stands in front of pad. Attacker stands behind Defender and gives a shove. Defender makes Forward Roll; Figure 4 over pad. Attacker picks up pad for 6 hand combatives. Switch roles for time.
Forward Roll; Back Fall Break
Drill: Same as above, but pad in center of mat. On Attacker's shove, Defender sprints and makes Forward Roll; Back Fall Break over pad. Defender picks up pad for Front Kick from the Ground.
Ground – trap and roll
Final Drill: Same as previous drill with shove. If Defender can get to standing, 6 hand combatives. If Back Fall Break and Attacker picks up pad, Defender makes Front Kick from the Ground. Attacker can also call "DOWN" while Defender in Ground Position and mount Defender for Ground – trap and roll.
Advanced (B1)
Thai Pad Cauldron
Round 1: Free work with all combinations and variations; include elbows, knees, and kicks.
Round 2: Double the kick
Round 3: Triple the kick and add sprawls
Puke Round! 30 seconds power straight punches, 30 seconds 2 kicks right and 2 kicks left, 30 seconds knees, 30 seconds 2 punches and a push up, and 30 seconds speed punches.
Gun from the Front, 2 handed technique