Straight Punch with Advance (quick lesson)
Inside Defense
Inside Defense v. Straight Punch Low
Ground – Side Position
Ground – Side Kick
Ground – Get Up from Side
Drill: defender makes Inside Defense; puncher can also yell “Down!” and defender must drop down into a Ground Side Position, give a kick to the air, and get back up
Straight Punch
Hammerfist Forward
Drill: begin standing up, throwing straight punches and hammerfist punches, then drop to knees and continue striking, then lie on your back and continue striking; then return to your knees, and then stand up. The striking should be CONTINUOS. Switch with your partner. Do 2 rounds. This is very tiring!
Guard Drill – maintain good posture while in the attacker’s guard
Guard Escape – gouge, posture up, striking groin
Guard – Arm Bar
Guard Drill: bottom person works for arm bar, top person works guard escape
Focus Mitts – including pad holder striking to encourage good defense
Bearhug Behind Arms Free (review)
Full Nelson Sweep
Drill: Bearhug Behind, Arms Free or Full Nelson Sweep (if you don’t have good mats, just “show” the sweep, do not actually take your partner down