Beginner Class (A2)
Knees- First singles, then doubles, then triples; focus on thai clinch to hold
Round Kick
Combo- Round Kick/Knee with the same leg
Inside Defense
Headlock from Behind
Drill: Thai Clinch, non-stop knees, defend headlock from behind and then continue with knees.
Intermediate (C2)
Thai Pads, build to a combination of: Right Cross/Left Hook/ Right Round Kick/ Left Hook/Right Uppercut/ Switch Round Kick
Inside Defense v. Left/Right
Defense v. High Round Kick (2 & 3 Points)
Bearhug Behind Arms Free
Drill: Striker non- stop combinations on thai pads, defend Bearhug Behind Arms Free and continue with working the pads
Advanced (C2)
General Strikes to a large kicking shield
Drill: pile of pads in the middle of the room; students must crawl get a pad; if they don’t get a pad they are striking non-stop until the drill resets (make it tiring!)
Sweep with Heel Kick
Long Gun from Behind touching (both sides)
Gun from Behind (touching)- Looking over left shoulder
Drill: Non-stop strikes on pad, defend Long Gun from Behind touching or Gun from behind touching.