Lesson Plans Monday, June 29, 2015

John Whitman
June 29, 2015


(note: we've done a lot of inside defenses this month; if you're students are getting bored, feel free to replace this, but I think some of our students need more work!)

Straight Punch

Advancing Straight Punch

Straight Punch Low

Inside Defense

Inside Defense v. Straight Punch Low

Defend any straight punch (slow, then faster)



Combo to Kicking Shield: Left Front Kick Vertical Target/Right/Left Uppercut/Right Elbow/Thai Clinch/Right Knee/Left Knee

Inside Defense (review)

Outside Defense v. Right Punch

Drill: make inside defenses; when attacker throws a wider right punch, make Outside Defense v. Right Punch and control with counterattacks

Bearhug Behind, Lifting

Drill: as above, but random attackers walk around, attacking the punchers with Bearhug, Lifting.



Focus Mitts: Left/Right/simple takedown/side control/Right Elbow/get up

Stick Overhead

Stick Off Angle

Stick Baseball Bat

Drill Reaction Drill: 2 attackers, non-stop attacks, make the defense and counter only, then defend against the next attacker

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