Beginner (A3)
L/R combination
Drill: Partner calls out even numbers (mostly 2, 4, 6) and striker makes that many punches, leading with the forward hand. At least twice during the round, the partner calls out a number higher than 10.
Front Kick to a Vertical Target
360 (various angles)
Choke from the Front (2-handed)
Drill: Front kicks to a vertical target, attacker; makes Choke form the Front or 360 attack from various angles
Ground- Back Position
Ground- Getting up
Intermediate (A3)
Focus Mitts-
Left Hook
Slipping/Bobbing and Weaving (Quick Review)
Combo: Jab, Cross, Hook, Cross
- Add- Bob and Weave/counter, Cross, hook, Cross
- Add- Slip to the Right, Cross, hook, Cross
Defense against Low Round kick (using Shin)
Defense against Round Kick (Absorbing)
Light Sparring Drill: Working on Recognition!
1 Striker/1 Defender (movement, straight punches, Hooks and Round Kicks)
Defender- foot work (moving off angle, forward, back & side to side)
-Recognition- ( Bobbing and Weaving, and Defense against Low Round Kicks) No counters yet..
- Switch
After both sides have had a turn-
** Switch again and add counters**
Choke from Behind with a pull
Advanced (A3)
3 Round Drill
Thai Pad- Opposite stance- 2-5 minute rounds
Sliding Def. V. High Round Kicks
Sliding Def. V, Spinning Heel Kick
Stick- left handed attacker
Drill- defender eyes closed, Sliding Def. V. High Round Kick, Spinning Heel Kick or Stick-left handed attacker.