Elbows 1-3

Knees w/ Clinch


Grps 2, Striker, Padholder. Striker neutral, eyes closed. Padholder cues for Elbow 1-3, Striker sends appropriate elbow, orients, clinches and sends a Knee burst. Reset on Padholder’s cue.

Choke Rear


Roaming attacker can cue for Elbow + Clinch/Knees or Choke Rear.



Hook Punch + Combos 1-4

Defense v. Low Round Kick (Shin Block)


Grps 2, Striker, Padholder. Padholder cues for Combo 1-4, Striker adds opposite side RHK depending on combo. Padholder blocks RHK before calling next combo.

Ground - Escape Guard (gouge and stack)


Grps 2. Padholder cues for Combo 1-4 to gloves, striker adds opposite side RHK. Partner step/catches RHK and sweeps. Partner enters guard and gouges/stacks to return to standing. Switch “Padholder” after every flow.



Spinning Outside Slap Kick


Spinning Outside Slap Kick + Combo 1-4 (based on padholder’s command)

Hip Throw


Grps 2, Defender, Attacker. Attacker sends downward 360. Defender defends and applies Hip Throw.

Headlock Side (spinning inward)


Roaming Attackers apply Headlock Side (spinning inward)


Straight Punches

360 Defense (include control and knees as counterattacks)

Drill: groups of 4; defender punches; attacker from either side can make 360; the defender must defend, deliver some counterattacks, then return to the pad. NOTE: make sure the attacker on the side uses the appropriate arm to avoid outside/dead side defenses

Groin Kick - practice from passive stance

Choke Front (2 Handed)





Combinations #8 and #9

Advanced Technique - Gun from the Side, In Front of Arm



Face-to-Face Throw

Knife - Kick Defense

Knife - Defense v. Downward Stab

Drill: eyes closed; attacker gives a verbal signal from different distances and then attacks with a knife; the defender must react with a kick or the knife defense as appropriate.  SOMETIMES the attacker does not use the knife -- he grabs aggressively and pushes forward; the defender should use Face-to-Face throw


Focus mitts


Knee without clinch

Elbow #1

Combo 1: Left/Right palm strikes, Elbow #1, Lead knee

Combo 2: Left/Right palm strikes, Rear knee, Elbow #1 with lead hand

Basic Ground Position

Front Kick from the Ground

Tactical Get-Up

Drill: Curved kick shield holder lines up on one end of the mat, defender on the other. Attacker throws 20 G&P strikes and runs to defender. Defender is getting up and down properly. If attacker reaches them on the ground, they perform front kick from the ground, get up, and 10 hand combatives standing. If attacker reaches them as they stand, only hand combatives. Two minute round and switch.



Hook Punch

Uppercut Punch

Focus mitts

Round 1: Basic combinations 1-4 + review retreating punches from Level 1

Round 2: Add combo #8 (rear uppercut/lead hook/cross)

Round 3: On mitt holder’s call of “RETREAT” Striker throws a retreating 8. (Hands and feet should move together on this combination; rear leg steps back as rear uppercut lands, etc.)

Headlock from the Side

Drill: Partners. Attacker with curved kick shield at one end of the mat, throws 20 G&P strikes, then sprints to partner who is waiting with eyes closed and attacks partner with Headlock from the Side. Attacker takes Defender’s place and Defender sprints to pad. Keep switching roles for time.



Jumping Front Kick

Jumping Side Kick

Drill: 4 minute interval round. Partners alternate all-out sprint combatives every 15 seconds. When instructor calls “SWITCH!” partners must immediately switch pads and other person begins striking.

1st 15 second interval: Hand combatives (switch)

2nd 15 second interval: Jumping Front Kick (switch)

3rd 15 second interval: Jumping Side Kick (switch)

4th 15 second interval: 2 punches and a sprawl (switch)

Hip Throw

Face-to-Face Throw

Palm Heel Strikes
Front Kick (groin)
Round 1: Palm Heel Strikes, pad holder calls any number 1-6, Striker throws that many palm strikes
Round 2: Add Front Kick (groin), pad holder call a number 1-4, Striker throws that many FKG
Round 3: + 2 frame-hold knees + Ground and Pound on instructor’s call of “DOWN!”–reset back to target recognition when instructor calls “TIME”
Drill: Diving for pads. Set pads in center of mat. Line up students equidistant from pad. Whoever touches it first on instructor’s call of “GO!” gets to be holder. Other person throws non-stop punches (or FKG) until instructor calls “TIME!” Play with distance, on stomach, on back, bear crawl to pad, army crawl, etc etc
Choke from the Front, 2 handed pluck
Drill: Diving for pads. Person who gets to pad first can hold for straight punches, FKG, or drop pad and apply Choke from the Front with a Push  

Groups of 3: 1 pair of thai pads, 1 KS, 1 striker.
Round 1: Free work on thai pads. KS holder can verbal cue for Hammerfist to the Side followed up by 6 hand combatives
Round 2: Free work on thai pads. KS holder can also verbal cue for Heel Kick followed up by 6 hand combatives
Outside Defenses 1-5
Hair Grab from Behind
Drill: Monkey in the Middle with groups of 3-4; off angle punches/defending a punch from neutral with Outside Defenses 1-5, Hair Grab from Behind, and all Level 1.

Spinning Outside Slap Kick
Thai Pads
Round 1: Free work using all combinations. On any combination ending in hook (3, 7, 9), Striker adds a Spinning Outside Slap Kick at the end
Round 2: Opposite stance
Round 3: Puke round! 30s power punches, 30s 2 kicks right and 2 kicks left, 30s hook/cross/kick and cross/hook/kick, 30s knees, 30s speed punches
Cavaliers 1-4
Drill: Groups of 3; 2 attackers 1 defender. Attackers can apply any attack from beginner or intermediate curriculum. Defender must make initial portion of defense but instead of follow-up combatives, attempts to use a Cavalier to neutralize the threat.
Knife Defense v. Downward Stab
Drill: A/B Drill: B’s are roaming attackers and can apply any self defense technique from Levels 1-3. A’s finish with a Cavalier. OR B’s can apply Downward Stab.


Straight Punches (or Palm/Heel Strikes)

Drill: 30 seconds non-stop punching, alternating with partner; 3 rounds each


Front Kick Vertical Target

Combination: Front Kick Vertical Target/Knee (use the same leg)

Drill: partner with pad moves around, gives commands for "Punch" or "Kick"; if punch, the defender punches non-stop until the pad holder calls "Time!" If kick, the defender makes Front Kick Vertical Target/Knee combination

Elbows #1 and #6; discussing using these elbows when the attacker moves in close

Drill: as above, but the pad holder also says "Elbow" and steps forward; the defender gives Elbow #1 or #6

Wrist Releases



Back Kick

Defensive Back Kick with a Spin

Ground - Side Control - basic positions for control

Ground - Side Control - hip escape

Drill: bottom person tries hip escape with 50% effort; top person must control

Ground - Americana Arm Lock



Focus Mitts: 2 rounds of 3 minutes

Double Leg Takedown

Headlock Side, Spinning Inward

Headlock Side, Neck Break



Movement- Fighting Stance Moving Forward, Left, Right, Back

Palm Heel Strikes

Front Kick Groin

A/B Drill

L/R Combination


Tabata Strikes- 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest- 4 Rounds

Choke from behind

Drill: groups of 4-5; defender is in the middle, make the appropriate strike when bummed by the or defend Choke from Behind



Thai Pad Combos 1-4, 2 Rounds of 2 minutes

Outside Defense v. Right Punch

Defense v. Front Kick (redirect)

Drill: Eyes closed, make the appropriate defense

Hair Grab Front

Hair Grab Side, impending Knee

Drill: Groups of 3; Work combinations of Thai pads, attacker, attacks with either Hair Grab, defender; makes the appropriate defense and continues working combinations.



Focus Mitts- Opposite stance- 2 rounds of 3 minutes

Thai Pads- Opposite Stance- 3 rounds of 3 minutes

Gun from the Side, in Front of the Arm

Headlock from the Side, spinning inward

Drill: either attack slow speed

Drill: either attack full speed


Palm Heel Strikes

Knees- Regular

Drill: Find your partner drill (using palm heel strikes/Knees)

Elbow 1-3

Choke from Front (2-handed)

Choke from Behind

Drill: Groups of 3, one pad, striker; non stop strikes on the pad, attacker; makes Choke from the front or Choke from behind



Focus Mitts- Combos 1-3

Defensive Front Kick

Drill: Groups of 3, Focus Mitts, Long Shield; Punching Combos 1-3; Person with the long shield gives a verbal signal and steps towards striker; Striker makes Defensive Front Kick and continues working the Focus Mitts

Defense v. Low Round Kick (shin block)

Outside Defense v. Right Punch

Hair Grab Front

Drill: defender eyes closed; attacker makes a Hair grab or gives a verbal signal, Defense v. Low Round Kick or Outside Defense v. Right Punch



Focus Mitts/Thai Pads from opposite stance

Jumping Front Kick

Cavaliers 1-4

Gun to the Side, in Front of Arm

Gun from Behind (touching)

Headlock from the Side, spinning inward

Drill: striker; non-stop strikes on pad, attacker; attacks with any of the above self defenses.

Palm Heel Strikes
Front Kick (groin)
Round 1: Palm Heel Strikes, pad holder calls any number 1-6, Striker throws that many palm strikes
Round 2: Add Front Kick (groin), pad holder call a number 1-4, Striker throws that many FKG
Round 3: + 2 frame-hold knees + Ground and Pound on instructor’s call of “DOWN!”–reset back to target recognition when instructor calls “TIME”
Drill: Diving for pads. Set pads in center of mat. Line up students equidistant from pad. Whoever touches it first on instructor’s call of “GO!” gets to be holder. Other person throws non-stop punches (or FKG) until instructor calls “TIME!” Play with distance, on stomach, on back, bear crawl to pad, army crawl, etc etc
Choke from the Front, 2 handed pluck
Drill: Diving for pads. Person who gets to pad first can hold for straight punches, FKG, or drop pad and apply Choke from the Front with a Push

Groups of 3: 1 pair of thai pads, 1 KS, 1 striker.
Round 1: Free work on thai pads. KS holder can verbal cue for Hammerfist to the Side followed up by 6 hand combatives
Round 2: Free work on thai pads. KS holder can also verbal cue for Heel Kick followed up by 6 hand combatives
Outside Defenses 1-5
Hair Grab from Behind
Drill: Monkey in the Middle with groups of 3-4; off angle punches/defending a punch from neutral with Outside Defenses 1-5, Hair Grab from Behind, and all Level 1.

Spinning Outside Slap Kick
Thai Pads
Round 1: Free work using all combinations. On any combination ending in hook (3, 7, 9), Striker adds a Spinning Outside Slap Kick at the end
Round 2: Opposite stance
Round 3: Puke round! 30s power punches, 30s 2 kicks right and 2 kicks left, 30s hook/cross/kick and cross/hook/kick, 30s knees, 30s speed punches
Cavaliers 1-4
Drill: Groups of 3; 2 attackers 1 defender. Attackers can apply any attack from beginner or intermediate curriculum. Defender must make initial portion of defense but instead of follow-up combatives, attempts to use a Cavalier to neutralize the threat.
Knife Defense v. Downward Stab
Drill: A/B Drill: B’s are roaming attackers and can apply any self defense technique from Levels 1-3. A’s finish with a Cavalier. OR B’s can apply Downward Stab.

Beginner Class 
Warm Up: Shoulder Tag (switch partners randomly every 30 seconds). After 2 minutes, drill becomes shoulder and knee tag.
Front Kick (Groin)
Combo: Front Kick/Knee (Same Leg) – work both sides
360 Defense
Choke from Behind
Drill: Group of 3. First person attacks second with single haymaker strikes. Second person defends using 360s. Third person randomly attacks first person with choke from behind between haymaker attacks. First person defends against choke from behind before returning to throwing haymakers at second person.

Intermediate Class

Hook Punch
Heel Kick
Focus Mitt Drill: Strikers start in passive stance, eyes closed. Pad holder approaches from left or right side, and calls any combination 1-4. Striker opens eyes, delivers heel kick to focus mitt and follows up immediately with combination called by pad holder.
Bearhug Front (lifting)
Bearhug Behind (lifting)
Drill: A/B drill. Group A stands in passive stance with eyes shut. Group B randomly attacks from the front or rear with bearhug (lifting) or verbally gets defenders attention and holds a focus mitt for a heel kick. Defender responds appropriately, finishes the fight with combatives and returns to passive stance.

Advanced Class 
Jumping Round Kick
Thai Pad Drill: Free work combinations. All combinations must end with a jumping round kick.
Gun from the Side (front of arm)
Gun from Front (pushing into stomach)
Drill: Roaming attacker (Groups of 5). 1 person is selected to be an attacker, the remainder break off into pairs. Free work on thai pads (must include some jumping round kicks). Attackers roam about the room and randomly attack strikers only with gun from the side in front of the arm or gun from front pushing into the stomach. Striker’s defend, finish the fight, and return to pad work. 5 rounds so everyone has a chance to serve as attacker.


2:00 minute rounds, switching pad back and forth of the following:

Palm heel strike; each time student strikes pad, increase number of palms by 2

Left/Right Combination; each time student strikes pad, number of punches increases by 2

Round Kick; 2 round kicks right, 2 round kicks left, increase number of round kicks by 2 each leg

Drill: Shared Tabata Round: 20 seconds of maximum effort, switch pad on 10 second rest

4 minutes of

-A does 20 seconds nonstop hard and fast palm heel strikes (10 second rest and switch)

-B does 20 seconds nonstop hard and fast palm heel strikes (10 second rest and switch)

-A does 20 seconds 2 round kicks right, 2 round kicks left (10 seconds rest and switch)

-B does 20 seconds 2 round kicks right, 2 round kicks left (10 seconds rest and switch)


Choke from Behind with a Push

Drill: A/B Drill



Focus mitts; 2 minute rounds

Round 1: Basic combinations 1-4

Round 2: Add combination 8 (Rear uppercut/Lead hook/Cross) and 9 (Lead Uppercut/Cross/Hook)

Round 3: Add combination 10 (Cross/Lead uppercut/Cross) and Basic takedown defense

Defense v. Straight Punch Low (quick review from Level 1)

Inside Defense with Counter v. Left Punch

Inside Defense with Counter v. Right Punch (1 counter)

Reverse Headlock Standing

Drill: A can attack B with a straight left punch, a straight right punch, or a straight punch to the body. If A manages to touch B’s stomach with the Straight Punch Low, B leans forward and A applies Reverse Headlock Standing. B makes defense and partners immediately return to drill.



Thai Pads

*all rounds begin with 10 kicks right, 10 kicks left

*All rounds done with palm strikes (no gloves) instead of punches

Round 1: Free work

Round 2: Free work + bob/weave counter with 6 or 7

Round 3: + cover against the hook punch, counter with a 6K or 7K

Gun to the Side of the Head

Knife – off angle upward stab (live and dead side)

Drill: Groups of 3; 1 thai pad holder; 1 striker/defender; 1 attacker. Striker/Defender doing Round 3 from earlier. Attacker can apply Gun to the Side of the Head or Knife – off angle upward stab (live and dead side). Defender makes defense and immediately returns to striking.

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